Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking Statement.


CommVersion Limited does not tolerate modern slavery or human trafficking in our organisation or in our supply chains.

Commversion will not knowingly support or deal with any business involved in slavery or human trafficking. The company Directors and senior management shall take responsibility for implementing this statement to ensure that slavery and human trafficking is not taking place within the organisation and our supply chains.

This statement sets out the steps taken to identify the areas within the business that may be exposed to these risks and how it ensures they are eliminated, as far as possible. This statement, which is for the financial year ended 31 October 2021, is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 by Commversion Limited.

Supply chains

Our suppliers include services to assist both our business and our customers. These comprise:
catering and cleaning;
suppliers of professional services (software & IT, legal, accountancy, insurance);
office services (fitters, cleaners, support services);
telecoms providers, board/sign companies.

Policy on slavery and human trafficking

The Board of Directors has examined the risk of modern slavery within Commversion and considers the risk to be low. Commversion’s standard practice is to check that prospective employees have the right to work in the geography in which they are located. Where we work with suppliers, these are generally large organisations.
We are committed to conducting our business with honesty and integrity. We adopt and promote a culture of honesty and transparency. We operate a whistleblowing policy, of which all employees are aware, and which encourages staff to report suspected wrong-doing or malpractice as soon as possible.

Further steps

We continue to build on our policy by reviewing and reinforcing the steps we take to vet both existing and new suppliers, adopting a risk-based approach to reduce as far as possible the risk of slavery and human trafficking anywhere in our supply chains. In addition, we will ensure that all of our staff understand the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking to our business and supply chains and that they are aware that such practices will not be tolerated.


This statement was approved by the Commversion Board on 31st Oct 2020.
Piers Maughan